Sunday 6 July 2014

Out & About
July 2014

In a local park... 

In a while, the chairs will be covered with the vine that they plant at their base.

At Darlington Provincial Park... kids love to chase the seagulls.

Flowers (Bindweed) on a sandy beach add a nice touch of color.

I'm looking forward to seeing more Monarch butterflies as the days go by. I often check Milkweed for eggs or a caterpillar but I seldom see any. Still early now though. 


The colors of the lake change dramatically with the light... from the light browns of the shallows to the royal blue of the deep water. The turquoise between the two looks like what you'd see in the Caribbean.

Sculpting by months, or maybe years of waves, has molded this stump and brought out its inner colors.

An eye-catcher... some Silverweed surrounded by 'seed-fluff' from beach willows. From a distance it looks like snow.

I've wanted to check out the Crown Lands near Orono for a while. Different nature areas usually offer something new. Can't say I saw much new but at least I satisfied my curiosity. Then again, I only covered a very small part of it so there's still lots to explore.

July brings Black-eyed Susans and lots of butterflies, especially the small Skippers & Pearl Crescents (this one). 

I met a guy who was out with his dog. When he saw my camera, he suggested I go to see this old railway bridge--about a mile walk. Not very exciting, but historically interesting it turns out. It's from the Canadian Northern Railway days (1910). 
A link for train buffs:

This was new. I don't come across many orange wildflowers. It's Butterfly Weed--thanks, Doug & Gerry.


Purple-flowering Raspberry... thanks Doug.

At the right angle, daisies look like they're floating.

A land snail of some sort. The spiral of their shells fascinates me.

Look closely at lichens and some of them have small cups.

Red Admiral

- fini -


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